CALC111-PRELIM EXAM -TUE- OCT12, 2021 8:30-9:30AM

  • Due Oct 12, 2021 at 9:35am
  • Points 50
  • Questions 12
  • Available Oct 12, 2021 at 8:30am - Oct 12, 2021 at 9:35am 1 hour and 5 minutes
  • Time Limit 65 Minutes



Analyze and solve the following problems. Choose your best answer.

For the uploading of your solution later, use clear black pen. Show your complete solutions on bond papers and let your final answer for each question with correct unit be boxed. Then take a clear picture of your solution (one picture per bond paper), and upload it in Canvas using MS word file format.

Upload your solution on the different file with title " Solution of Prelim Exam in CALC111".

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